
Let me win, if I can't, let me be brave in the attempt

About Us

The Special Olympics movement was established in the United States of America in 1968 by Mrs. Eunice Kennedy Shriver, sister of the late President John F. Kennedy. Mrs. Shriver had in mind the year 1963 when she camped for a day in her backyard, around the pool and playgrounds attached to the house. It believed that this group of individuals has the ability to exceed the expectations of experts in the field of physical sports. Since 1968, the Special Olympics movement began and has flourished and now includes more than 226 accredited programs in more than 186 countries around the world.

اقرا المزيد


Young Players Program: an individual must be at least 3: 7 years old,

1- The individual must not be less than 8 years old, as a minimum, in order to be registered as a player in the Kuwaiti Special Olympics.

2- His case must be described by a specialized medical institution, or a specialist, as one of the following:
Intellectual disability.

A clear deficiency in educational and professional skills as a result of deficiencies in the cognitive aspects, which requires a special kind of education.

Contact Us

Al-Rawda, Block 5, Al Barodi st. bldg. 8
Phone: (965) 60606079 - 22540891